MCT2D 2021 Kickoff Meeting Recap

May 23, 2022

The Michigan Collaborative for Type 2 Diabetes held its Year 1 Kickoff meeting earlier this month on September 24. The virtual event convened representatives from MCT2D’s 25 physician organization partners as well as clinical champions and liaisons from the 217 Michigan primary care practices.
In a series of presentations and discussions, the MCT2D leadership team addressed the state of Type 2 Diabetes in Michigan, outlined MCT2D’s initiatives to prevent and reverse the disease, discussed challenges and opportunities that our partner organizations will face, and provided POs and practices a guide to their next steps for participation. The CQI Data Hub team also introduced MCT2D’s novel data sharing, aggregating, and reporting practices to support population health.
Below is a line up of our recorded discussion. Questions or comments about the kick off, please contact us at

The State of Type 2 Diabetes in Michigan

Dr. Caroline Richardson, MD, Program Director of MCT2D
Questions it answers: Why focus on type 2 diabetes? How big is the problem? How does MCT2D plan to address it?

Patient Story: Bob

What is the CQI Data Hub?
Matt Callow, Manager CQI Data Initiatives, and Lori Motsch, IT Project Manager
Questions it answers: What is MCT2D doing to make clinical data more useful, usable, and actionable in efforts to address type 2 diabetes care at a population level? What data tools will be offered to participating practices and POs?

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