Nephrology Members

Michigan Collaborative for Type 2 Diabetes brings together primary care, endocrinology, and nephrology teams to engage in statement collaborative quality improvement. Currently, 14 nephrology practices participate in the collaborative.
The MCT2D Kidney Initiative seeks to engage and empower medical providers and patients across the state of Michigan to support the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based strategies that will prevent and slow the progression of kidney disease.
Currently, 94 nephrologists in Michigan participate in MCT2D, representing 42% of nephrologists across the state. MCT2D has partnered with BCBSM to determine a model for attributing patients to nephrologists and over 8,000 patients represented in the MCT2D dashboards are currently attributed to one of our participating nephrologists.

MCT2D Nephrology Practices

Download Value-Based Reimbursement (VBR) requirements

Participating practices and POs can download a one-page guide to value-based reimbursement (VBR) for the 2024-2025 year.
VBR 1-page PDF for NEW nephrology sitesVBR 1-page PDF for existing MCT2D nephrology sites

Nephrology Initiatives

Current QI Projects

Currently, nephrology practices are working with an MCT2D primary care practice to collaborate on improving an area of care coordination between nephrologists and primary care teams. Each partnering site met to discuss what they wanted to focus on. Areas for collaboration chosen include improving the referral process, ensuring appropriate labs are taken for patients, enhancing communication between nephrology and PCP practices, and increasing the use of guideline-directed medication for patients with both diabetes and chronic kidney disease. Examples of specific focuses include the following:
  • Ensuring that all patients with type 2 diabetes have a kidney function test and a microalbumin test annually
  • Increasing clear communication about medications and expectations, e.g. previously SGLT2is have been stopped because of a rise in creatinine, which is expected and not an indication to stop the medication
  • Determining a process to ensure a timely and effective outpatient nephrology consultation
  • Establishing clear guidelines on the labs that should be completed prior to patient referral to nephrology
  • Involving nephrology in post-hospitalization care for patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease
Practices began working on their individual objectives in June, and at the November Nephrology Clinical Champion meeting, attendees will give updates on their progress, noting any successes and barriers they have faced. Work on these projects will continue through March 2025.

MCT2D Nephrology Leadership

Nephrology Related MCT2D Webinars

Specialty Practice Point-of-Care Tools

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